Posted in Galloway

Glenwhan Gardens, Galloway

A garden full of surprises

This is a wild and wonderful garden, situated in the west of Galloway not far from Stranraer.

The garden covers 12 acres and is centred around two small lochs. As you follow the little paths that wind up to the higher parts of the garden there are views across Luce Bay to the Mull of Galloway and across the sea to the Isle of Man.

Still waters

The garden has been a labour of love for the owners who started out with a piece of rough moorland. Over 30 years or so they gradually transformed it into a garden full of variety, growing species that thrive in the mild gulf stream climate.

Little paths meander around the garden and there are seats and viewpoints where you can sit awhile and appreciate it all.

You never know what you are going to find round the next corner or hidden in the greenery!

The Peace Pinnacle is at the top of a gully where the thick vegetation must be a haven for butterflies and insects. Beyond the pinnacle is the open hillside where you can follow a walk through 17 acres of moorland. Gorse and native wild flowers thrive there.

Buddha and prayer flags

A stained glass panel at the entrance to the garden.

These photos were taken a few years ago as the weather wasn’t very good last time we were there. That time we spent as long in the tea room as we did in the garden – and it’s a very good tea room!

6 thoughts on “Glenwhan Gardens, Galloway

  1. Lovely pictures. We went a few years ago too, and were also impressed with the tearoom. It was Easter and there was an egg hunt for children – not so impressed with the mother who took her child up to the desk, then took her away again because she didn’t want to pay for it. Some people!


  2. They look beautiful. I will pass reasonably close on the penultimate day of my next hiking trip. The question is whether I can do them justice in the time available.


    1. It doesn’t take long to walk round them but it would add an hour or more on to your day by the time you walked up there and back. Good luck with the next leg of your trip!


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